DIY photo pendant key chain

4:04 PM

In need of a quick, easy, and inexpensive last-minute gift for Father's Day? Take on this cute and easy tutorial for DIY photo pendants!

(Source: Ginger Snap Crafts)

For this project, Ginger used a kit that had everything she needed, which she got from here. There was no way that I was going to order the kit though. I went to good ol' Hobby Lobby and gathered my materials.
I searched the whole store over for the tiles, and I almost bought those clear decorative rocks as a replacement. But I FINALLY found a pack of eight glass tiles next to the jewelry-making section.
I could not for the life of me find the bails, so I used ribbon crimps, haha. They worked just fine, but I would recommend using the bails. It looks a lot nicer.
I could not find Diamond Glaze either! So I opted for Crystal Coat Glaze from the scrapbooking section. It's supposed to be used for quilled things, but it says on the package that it leaves a hard, glossy finish, which is exactly what I needed for this project.
Finally, instead of a necklace, I made a key chain because my dad doesn't really wear necklaces. So since I used various different materials than what the original tutorial calls for, I'm going to list the supplies that I used. Well except for the ribbon crimps. Because seriously, don't use ribbon crimps. But you can obviously follow the original instructions, too :)

  • glass tiles
  • jump rings
  • key ring(s)
  • bails
  • Crystal Coat Glaze
  • super glue
  • card stock

The first thing you're going to want to do is print the desired picture onto card stock. I bought 22mm glass tiles, so the size of the picture is obviously going to depend on the size of the tiles you use. The way I did it was I put the picture in Word, zoomed in to actual size, and brought my tile up to the screen to compare the size. I made the picture a little larger than the tile so that we, the subjects, were a bit larger than we were in the original picture. I hope that made sense .-.

Once you've printed the picture and cut it to the same size as the tile, apply a light layer of the crystal glaze onto one side of the tile using a small paintbrush. Make sure there are no bubbles and apply your image face down onto the tile. Smooth that out and wait for it to dry.

When that's done, apply another thicker layer of crystal glaze on top of the image. Wait for that to dry before you proceed.

The dried glaze should have a hard, glossy finish, giving the illusion of glass. The next thing you're going to do is apply the bail with super glue. When that's dried up, attach the jump rings and key ring, and you're done!

So there's my finished product. This was just too simple for me not to try. But seriously, please don't use ribbon crimps. I really wish I'd found those bails. It would have looked a lot nicer.

But I hope some of you find this useful! Have a happy Father's Day!

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