Chibi Toon Link polymer clay charm

1:00 PM

Published 3/5/2013

This is my sister Shanya (and Austin Bello of FTSK :)

She obviously loves Toon Link! She loves all Nintendo games, really. Her birthday's coming up in May, so I'm running out of time to think of things to get her. I decided to start pretty early by making her a Chibi Toon Link polymer clay charm :)
  • beige, yellow, green, white, and black polymer clay
  • eye pin
  • pliers
  • wire cutters
  • jump rings
  • keyring (or bracelet or necklace!)
  • razor blade
I used this picture as a guide :)

(Source: Planet Minecraft)

Okay! Take a chunk of beige clay and roll it into a nice little ball.

To make the eyes, I rolled out some white clay and cut out two eye shapes. Press these onto Link's face.

Roll out some yellow clay for his hair. I cut it up with a razor blade to give it the flippy effect.

I cut out some more little yellow pieces and placed these where his sideburn thingies would go :)

Here's another view.

Time to make his hat! I think that there are several ways that you can do this, but this was the easiest way I could think off. Take some green clay and make a ball about the same size of his head. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect, you're going to end up messing with its shape.

Using a razor blade, split the ball in half.

Take one of the halves and work it into a bowl shape.

Attach the bowl to his head. Take some more green clay and make a thick triangle shape with it. Attach this to the middle of the back of his head.

Here's a front view of him with his hat :) And no eyes o____o

Well that escalated quickly :l I didn't really feel like taking pictures of every. single. thing. that I pasted on his face, so I just took a picture of the finished product! But basically, roll out some black clay and cut out a pair of eyebrows, some..eyelids, and a very thin line for his mouth, and finally a tiny little dot for his nose.

Time for the bahdeh. That's how John Mayer would say it. Bahdeh. (10 points to Ravenclaw for that Family Guy reference!) Anyway, the body. Make a cylinder shape with some green clay and press his head on there. Looks a little lopsided here, but it gets (sorta) better.

Yay for escalation! So here's the finished product, including the eye pin jutting out of his bum. I didn't like the way he looked without a neck, so I took some beige clay and made him a little neck. For the legs, I made two tiny balls out of white clay and stuck them onto the bottom. I made the wee little boots by doing the same with brown clay and stuck those on top of his legs. The arms and shirt were the tricky part. Stupid me thought that they were white, buuut they're not. They are a lighter green color. Dang it.. So I improvised! I took some yellow clay and green clay and worked it together until it blended into a lighter green color. Genius. I rolled little arms out and stuck them on there. Made two little balls out of beige clay for his hands. For the shirt, I took some more of the lighter green clay and cut a triangle shape out. For the belt, roll out a long, thin piece of black clay. For the..belt buckle. Right? Yeah, belt buckle. Make a tiny flat circle out of yellow clay and press it on there. Finally, viciously stab an eye pin from the top of his head down through his body and through the bum.

There are his little feet!

Bake the charm according to the instructions on the packaging, glaze it (or leave it as is) to your liking, attach several jump rings and a keyring, or attach one jump ring and place it on a necklace or bracelet. And you're done! :) I enjoy working with clay. It's such a great way to make custom jewelry and such when you can't seem to find the right thing to wear. I'm sure she'll love it when it comes time to give her her birthday presents :) Great gift for a 17-year-old, don't you think? And again, I've totally missed my deadline by almost a week. BUT I am just so ridiculously busy with my Kappa Kappa Psi candidacy. And I think I have posted enough things on here to satisfy the Zmikly, so I think I'm good :P What charms do y'all think that I should make next?? :)

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  1. Amazing job! I like how it looks so much like the actual character!

    1. Wow, I can't believe it's been almost a year and this is my first time reading this comment. Shows you how often I check! Thank you, and I'm sorry for the awfully late reply!


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