Valentine's Day for the boyfriend!

2:00 PM

Published on 1/21/13

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I get to spend it alone, stuffing my face with whatever edible object I can find. I don't get to celebrate Valentine's Day with my boyfriend until that Saturday. Sucks, huh? Anywho, I've decided to share the gift I made him :) This is a magical popcorn carton containing a magnetic invitation to a takeout dinner for two, cutlery for said dinner, "tickets" to a movie (preferably an at-home one), and a love note.

This is a "Heart Attack"! You write reasons you love someone down on heart-shaped pieces of paper, stick them in a box, and mail them to your special someone.Send a "heart attack" - write one thing you love about them on each heart!
(Source: The House that Lars Built)
And this is my take on the project :)

  • color printer
  • scissors
  • Exacto knife (optional)
  • stapler
  • pen
  • colored paper
  • cardstock
  • magnetic sticker
  • clear plastic goody bag
  • carton
  • small cardboard box
  • double-sided tape
  • lover's favorite candy
  • ribbon (to tie love note)
  • heart-shaped confetti
  • PDF of invitation, tickets, cutlery tag, and candy label found here.
Excuse the boyfriend :) We're constantly on Skype. It's the way we survive without each other for weeks on end. Anyway! I really suck at cutting shapes out, so I opened Word and drew a large heart shape on the page.


I made the outline a very light gray color so it can act as a guideline when I cut the shape out. This way, it wouldn't be too obvious.
I added my boyfriend's name and mailing address to one of the hearts to attach to the box I'd be mailing to him with the finished product inside. To do this, simply right click the heart shape, click Add Text, and type.


Here are the heart shapes I cut out! Pardon the giant ugly blur. But I had to censor his address somehow!

On each of the other hearts, write a reason you love him/her! You can write as many things on as many hearts, but I chose to write 7 things on 7 hearts because we'll have been together for 7 months :) Que cute.

Next, flip over the heart with the address on it and apply double-sided tape to the back. I applied it in a criss-cross shape to secure that middle area.

Tape the heart onto the box.

Now for the other things! Print the PDF onto cardstock and cut out the tickets with either the scissors or Exacto knife.

Do the same with the heart-shaped invitation. I glued the shape to a large magnet and cut off the excess. I also crossed out the word "Champagne." in the invitation and replaced it with apple juice because of this.

Gummy worms are my boyfriend's favorite :) So I bought a package of gummy worms, and emptied the package into a clear, plastic goody bag. Put your sweetie's favorite candy in the bag, cut out the candy label, and staple it onto the bag.

Next, write your sweetheart a sappy love note on whatever paper you want. I used a regular sheet of notebook paper and burned the edges with a match to give it a worn look. Roll the note up and tie it with a nice little ribbon of your choice.

I found this little party favor carton at Walmart. This is what all the little trinkets are going into.

Put the candy, magnet, love note, confetti, tickets, and whatever else you choose to include into the carton and close it. Now let your creative side shine and decorate the shiz out of the carton! I used some old ribbon, and the heart-shaped confetti I bought also doubled as stickers.


Put the carton and the reasons-I-love-you hearts in the box and seal that baby up. And you are basically done, my friends.

This is another gift I got him. I think he's really going to enjoy it. I won't reveal what it is yet, I don't want to ruin the surprise :)

I made another gift (that I will also reveal later) and taped it to the present.

I really hope you guys liked my variation of this Valentine's Day gift. And if you're wondering why I've already posted this tutorial, like "Won't he see this??" he's already gotten this gift :) He just couldn't wait any longer.
When he opens his last two presents, I'll share what they were :)
If you'd like, pin this or share it on Facebook or Twitter or anything else! The only thing I ask is that you give credit where it is necessary :)
What are you guys doing for Valentine's Day?? Feel free to leave a comment!

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