DIY bow/hair clip board

10:39 PM

So almost nine months ago, I repinned this onto my DIY To-Do List board on Pinterest.

(Source: i heart nap time)

I knew that was something I really needed to do for Katisha, so I went to Goodwill and got me a huge picture for around $3. I picked up all the supplies I needed, but I never got around to actually making the board. When I moved back in with my parents, I suddenly remembered how badly they needed this board. I mean, it's 5 of us living in a 2-bedroom apartment. Katisha's bows and hairclips were being kept in a giant basket that took up most of the bathroom sink. So I picked up the rest of what I needed and got started :)

  • large picture frame
  • quilt batting
  • fabric of your choice
  • hot glue gun
  • assorted ribbon
  • spray paint (optional)
So as I said before, I went out and bought everything I needed for this project a while back. But the frame was a really ugly brown color, so I bought some white spray paint to cover it up. I popped the glass and picture out of the frame and took it outside to paint it.

While that was drying, I worked on the actual functional part of the board. Usually, there's a piece of cardboard behind the picture, but the picture WAS the cardboard, so I covered the picture with the batting and hot glued it onto the back of the board, then I did the same with the fabric.

Next, I hot glued the ribbon onto the back of the board.

This is what it ended up looking like when I was done hot gluing each end of each piece of ribbon.

The frame was done drying by that night, so I popped the board back into the frame, and that was pretty much it! I think it looks super cute :)

And here it is being put to use :) It definitely saved us a lot of space in the bathroom. Because seriously, do you see how many bows there are?

For the original (and more detailed) tutorial, click on the link under the first picture :) Lemme know what y'all think!

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