Hanging mason jar organization

4:00 PM

Published on 1/30/2013

I came across this pin a rather long time ago. About 8 months ago, actually .___. She calls it the "Upcycled Jar Hair Station".

Hanging mason jars for accessories :) I feel like I've pinned this already..
(Source: nefotlak.)

But! I decided to make my own! Well sorta. I kinda cheated. If you look at the tutorial, she actually Mod Podge'd a piece of wood and drilled holes into it to make the hook rack. I did not :)
  • hook rack (I bought mine for $3 at Wal-Mart!)
  • 3+ glass jars (it really depends on how many knobs or hooks the hook rack has)
  • twine
  • bobby pins, hair ties, whatever you want to store!
  • Command strips
I live in a dorm, so I obviously can't drill holes into the wall to hang things. I applied command strips to the back of the hook rack and mounted it under my mirror (as level as I possibly could .-.). I got these little suckers at Hobby Lobby for $0.50 each.

I removed the lid from the jar and wrapped a good amount of twine around the mouth of the jar and tied a knot. I snipped a smaller piece of twine and looped it around the twine wrapped around the mouth of the jar like this.

Then I filled one jar with bobby pins, and the other with hair ties. I hung them on either end of the hook rack and used the middle hooks to hang my car keys and key necklace (which I got from here<3).

Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater! I know, I know. But as I said, I can't drill things into walls. Nor do I even know how to operate a drill. Aaand I don't own various knobs. So I think my cheating was justified :) Tell me what you think about this little organization project!

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