Chibi Jack Skellington polymer clay charm

7:00 PM

Published on 2/17/2013

Okay, so I repinned this onto my secret Gift Ideas board.

(Source: caithness155 on DeviantArt)

My best friend Amber LOVES The Nightmare Before Christmas. So much that she has Jack and Sally tattooed on her back :) I was there when she got that! Her birthday's next month, and I already gave her the gift, PLUS I have another gift to give her ;)
  • black & white polymer clay
  • Sculpey gloss glaze (you can use a satin glaze if you wish)
  • clay molding tools (optional)
  • sewing pin (optional)
  • razor blade or X-acto knife
  • needle nose pliers
  • wire cutters
  • eye pins
  • jump rings
  • necklace chain (or bracelet chain!)

Take a chunk of white polymer clay and roll it into a nice little ball. I'm not going to name a specific size because you can really make this charm as big or small as you want.

I used one of the clay molding tools to make Jack's eye socket, but you can just as easily use the round part of a sewing pin to achieve the same effect.

Use a needle to make his nostrils.

Take a piece of black polymer clay and work it into a small, flat circle shape. This will be his eye.

Press a circle into each eye socket using either molding tools, the head of a sewing pin, or (if you're daring) your fingers.

Now take even smaller pieces of black clay and push them into the nostrils. This is a bit tricky since they're so small. But you can use a needle for this.

Next, take a piece of black clay and shape it into a very thin and long shape like this. This will be his mouth.

Press one end of the "string" onto one end of his face and bring it around to the other end. It may be too long or too short, so adjust it accordingly. Once you've achieved the desired length and position, press it into his face.

Make another thin, long string of black clay, but this time, cut little pieces off of this string. These pieces will be the.. lines on his mouth. I dunno what they are :l teeth? I dunno. But take these pieces and randomly press them onto his mouth. You definitely don't have to be exact with this, just be spontaneous.

Now take a chunk of black clay and roll it into a ball about the same size of Jack's head. This will be his body. You don't have to do this next step, but take a razor blade and gently run it from top to bottom all the way around the ball. It kinda looks like a beach ball!

Now take his head and fit it into his body. Be very gentle so you don't dent the shape of his head.

Now get a piece of white clay and flatten it. Using an xacto knife or razor blade, cut a small triangle shape out and press it onto his body. This is his shirt. Also, make two little balls out of white clay, aaand these are his little arms! ^o^

Get some more black clay and flatten it out. Cut out a small rectangle shape. Again with the xacto knife or blade, cut a slit on both shorter edges of the rectangle. Umm. Umm. Like this! This will be his bat bowtie thingy.

Okay. Almost there! Now take another piece of black clay and make it into a sort of pointed heart shape. That's the easiest way I can think to put it, sorry! But this is the bat head of his bowtie. To make it even easier, you could shape the clay into a rounded triangle and make a slit in the middle of the side opposite the point. Make sense? Sorry if it doesn't Dx but here it is on top of the "wings".

Almost done, I swear! Take white clay and roll out two tiny oval shapes. These are the bat's eyes. Finally, make two tiny balls out of black clay and stick them on his bottom. These are his feet :P So the clay part is finished, yaaaaaaaaaay!!

I failed to take a picture of the charm with the eye pin in it .-. But basically, you just take a regular eye pin and stick it into the top of his head and push it all the way through, taking care not to shift any of your hard work. There's bound to be excess wire sticking out of his bum, so that's where the wire cutters come in. Okay. Now you must bake it. The instructions should be on the clay packaging, so the temperature and time varies. BUT I used Kato Polyclay. So I put Chibi Jack on a sheet of parchment paper, and baked it at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes. After that, I took a basic paper clip like this. Sorry for the blurriness -___-

Remember when we were kids in elementary school and we would unfold paper clips like this and we felt so cool for doing it? Yeah, do that.

Take the larger part of the "S" and bend it outwards so it makes a rounded 90-degree angle.

Loop the eye pin onto the paper clip like so.

It's time for glazing! Take your gloss/satin/matte/whatever glaze and, using a paintbrush, apply a thin layer of glaze all over the charm. Make sure you don't leave any bubbles.

When you're done glazing, tape the straight end of the paper clip to the edge of a desk, or somewhere you know it won't be tampered with. I left it to dry for a day or so, but it should be completely dry within an hour or two.

Next, add a jump ring to the eye of the eye pin.

FINALLY, attach a necklace or bracelet or keyring to the jump ring. And you're done! Ain't he cute??

Whoo, this was so much work. Lemme know what you think of this cute little project! :) You can click on the original DeviantArt tutorial picture to go to the original site.

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