Minerva Hernandez and the Dog Park Adventure

4:00 PM

I've been home for almost two weeks now. I hadn't taken Minnie ANYWHERE. My mom suggested I take her to the town dog park. Almost two weeks ago .-. But yesterday, I was suddenly randomly inspired to take her to said dog park. So at around 5 today, I took her!

The place is huge. It's completely fenced, the dogs are allowed to roam around without a leash, and dogs that don't have the rabies vaccine and accompanying tag are not permitted inside. When we first entered, my dad pointed out another fenced area for small dogs. There was no one inside, so we decided to let her loose in there.

As soon as I removed the leash, she was OFF.

Photo dump!

I quite enjoyed all the little doggy-sized fountains.

And so did Minnie :)

Two cute things happened whilst we were playing in the small dog area.

Cute thing #1) A family of five came into the area we were in with their puppy Maggie. When the family asked what kind of puppy Minnie was and how old she was, we discovered that Minnie and Maggie were the same age. Katisha, being the little social butterfly that she is, shared how Minnie was named after Professor McGonogall from Harry Potter. I don't think it registered with them, because when Katisha asked them if their puppy's name was really Maggie, he said "Yes. Maggie Smith." Game changer. My jaw dropped and I said "NO. MY PUPPY'S NAME IS MINERVA." And then he suddenly realized it. Basically, our dogs were the same person.

Cute thing #2) Maggie was even more of a hyperactive puppy than Minnie is, and she let it show. She chased Minnie all around the area, and poor baby Minnie ran away as fast as she could with her cute curly tail tucked between her legs. She'd try to run over to me, but Maggie wouldn't let her. When Minnie finally reached me, she hid behind my legs and would not let Maggie get to her. It made my heart melt to see her running to mommy for safety :)

After this incident, Minnie was finding it really hard to breathe, so we sat on a bench for a little while, then I put the leash back on so we could take a walk through the rest of the park on the trail.

All throughout the park there were dogs of all sizes running past. Some alongside their owners, some in packs, some completely on their own. Minnie was among the youngest out of all these dogs, so I really made sure to keep an eye on her. Every time we passed a dog, the dog would come up to her and smell her, and she'd tuck her tail between her legs again and try to hide. But when they would go away, she kept walking.

We kept walking, then my dad pointed out a doggy swimming hole! I stuck her into the shallow part, but she just looked around like "...What am I supposed to do here?" and she'd walk back out. I put her in deeper, same thing. Maybe Minnie just doesn't like water :)

When it was time to go and I strapped her back into her car seat, little madam was pooped.

She also stunk, so I gave her a bath.

My mom told me not to let her splash water everywhere, but she didn't try to. I'm pretty sure she was only calm because she was freaking exhausted, but I'd like to think that having her mommy around is what did it :)

I can't wait to have her at the apartment in August. Watching her grow really does make me happy. I'll be sad when Anthony takes her home with him on Saturday, but I'll also be happy that she gets to know her daddy better. Hopefully they can play together a lot more than she gets to play up here.

I'm planning on taking her back to that dog park this week. Maybe every other day. She really loved it.

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