DIY Torn t-shirt revamp

5:00 PM

Published on 2/6/2013

When I was a teeny-bopper concert-goer, my friends and I would dress like this.

We weren't fashionistas. I'm still not :) As time passed, we wore less and less clothes to shows. We didn't dress slutty or anything, but we wore shorts and tank tops and sunglasses and all that  stuff. That's my best friend Amber! She goes to A&M in College Station! A while back, she taught me how to cut t-shirts to make them look edgy and cool. So I thought I'd share that with y'all lovelies.
  • t-shirt that you don't mind cutting up
  • sharp scissors, I recommend using fabric scissors
  • your imagination!
This is a shirt that I cut up a few years ago. As you can see, it's extremely small sooooo I obviously wear a tank under it.

I got this shirt at Hot Topic for $20 (yikes). I looooooveeeeee The Walking Dead. Daryl's alright. He ain't too handsome to me. I just agree that it would be a HUGE mistake to kill him off. Let's cross our fingers that he remains safe this Sunday >.<

You don't have to do this, but I used the first shirt I made as a guide. I put it on top of the shirt and lined up the seams. The Underoath shirt was a small though, so it obviously wasn't going to match up very well.

Next, I snipped off a good chunk of the neckline, about an inch off of each sleeve, and a piece off from the bottom. You don't have to be neat with this, so son't worry if the edges are jagged, you can fix them later :)

You can cut the neckline as wide or curved or small as you wish. You're going to fold your shirt so that half of the front and back is facing upwards, and one of the sleeves is in the middle facing up. I'm not entirely sure that made sense, so here's a picture!!

Take your scissors and, starting at the top, cut towards the front of the shirt. You can make the cut as long as you want it to be. I'm not even sure how long my cuts were, so be messy!

Repeat this all along the "spine" of the shirt.

When you unfold your shirt, it should look like this.

I wasn't satisfied with the length of the cuts, so I made them wider and I also made every other cut wider.

Once you're satisfied with the width of the cuts, you're going to take one of the strips and tug it. You may want to hold down each base of the strip, and make sure you don't tug too tightly or the shirt may rip. It should end up looking like this.

Repeat with all the other strips.

I made the back like this, but you can just as easily do this down each of the sides under the arms, halfway down the back, or maybe even in the front of the shirt. It's really up to you! :) I plan on wearing this during the summer when I go to the beach, or maybe to a concert, or- I dunno- to sleep. It's not something I'd wear everyday, but it wouldn't hurt to have these kinds of shirts handy in your closet :) What are y'all's favorite ways to revamp t-shirts?

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