My experiences as a pug momma (thus far)

11:15 PM

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the one, the only, the ever delightful and exhausting Madam Minerva Ladybird (Tortellini-)Hernandez.
First of all, let me explain her ridiculous names.

Her name is first and foremost Minerva, after the ever amazing Madam Professor former Headmistress Minerva McGonogall. We call her Minnie for short.
Ladybird is her middle name because Anthony and I really couldn't decide whether we should name her Minerva or Ladybird, after the dog on King of the Hill, because we both really like King of the Hill.
Tortellini is one of her last names, not because it's my last name, but because we're constantly making Spongebob references and.. Well.. Here.

So that story goes like this: Anthony was applying for a job with Petsmart. He needed references and he couldn't remember the name of the woman he'd previously worked for, so he found out and I didn't hear the name so I was like "TORTELLINI???" and we just both died laughing and I asked if we could put that in Minnie's name, so yeah. Tortellini.
Her last name is Anthony's last name :P
And there we are. Madam Minerva Ladybird (Tortellini-)Hernandez. Minnie for short. Oh, and occasionally Madam because she's just so active and hyper sometimes that we pick her up and say "EXCUSE ME MADAM" and she stops.

But anyway! Here she is :)

She was born on December 2nd, 2012. Anthony and I have owned her since February 15th of this year. That day, Anthony picked me up from TMEA in San Antonio and drove over to the breeders' house to pick her up. She was named Diamond then, but as soon as we saw her, we fell in love. She was so tiny. We got in the car and took our first family picture! :)

We drove up to San Marcos and stayed the night at my great-grandbig's apartment because she couldn't stay at the dorm ;-;

But by Saturday night, we felt really bad about keeping a dog at their place, so we snuck her into my dorm and she mostly slept the entire time she was there. She didn't pee everywhere or anything. She slept on my pillow next to Anthony, so I had to scoot down, and I woke up every hour gasping "OH MY GOD SHE'S PEED, HASN'T SHE", but to my surprise, everything was dry.

So, Anthony hadn't asked his parents if they could take care of Minnie until the semester was over. I know, I know, it was highly irresponsible of us to buy a puppy when we didn't even have a home for her. I know. But we just had to. If we had never seized the opportunity, we would never have met her, and I think everything happened the way it should have. REGARDLESS, he still hadn't asked if they could take her. Well, he called the day before he was supposed to go home, and they said no, so he had to drive two hours east to my parents' apartment in Katy and dropped her off there, then drove another four hours south back to Kingsville. Terrific, right?
Minnie loves my parents and they love her. Well, my mom loves her. My dad's never liked animals in the house but whatever. She's my baby :) This was her when I visited a couple of weeks later.

When spring break came along, I went over to my parents' for a few days, then I bought Minnie a car seat at Petsmart (for $17 with my PetPerks card, hollaaaa) and we endured a 5-hour drive down to Harlingen! 

Driving for 5 hours with a 3-month-old pug sounds like hell, but it actually went better than I expected it would go. She was extremely restless and irritated through the first 30 minutes of the drive, but after that, she was used to her seat and she slept. Yes, she slept through most of the drive. I stopped in Victoria so she could pee, then sprinted to the bathroom and back because I didn't want to leave her alone in the car too long (the windows were rolled down, of course!). I made another stop in Kingsville for gas, and she started to get irritated again, but she fell asleep for the last hour of the trip. When we finally made it to Anthony's house, she was so excited to be out of her seat. And Anthony was worried that she wouldn't recognize him, but oh boy, she did. Minnie loves her daddy very much :)
During the break, I got to see what Anthony would be like with her, and I am in absolute love with the way he handles her. He loves her so much. We were almost like real parents :P She would cry in the middle of the night and he would let her out to pee, we'd spend time with her outside, we'd play with her, feed her. All that stuff. It's making me really sad now, I wish I could experience that again :(

Finally, the semester was over and I came over to Katy to be with my babyyy! :)

She was so happy to see mommy :')

But yes. She is a puppy. I walked right into her trap. She is a handful and she will NOT let you forget it.

Temperament: She is extremely active. Anthony loves pugs because they're cute, fat, and best of all, lazy. Recently, he learned that pugs don't stop being hyper like miss Madam until after about two years. But hey, puppies are puppies. She is very, very, very active. She loves playtime with her rope toy and two plush squeaky toys. She's also very silly, and she knows it. She'll jump up onto the couches while we're not around, and when we come back to the living room and we catch her, we'll say "Heeeyyy, GET off the couch!" and she'll be like "Oh. It's you." and quickly jump off x) She loves loves loves to cuddle. But I attempted to get her to sleep with me in my bed, and it only ended with her chewing on my hair, and it just didn't work out at all.

One thing I've noticed about her that I think is really cute is that she's a really neat eater. When she eats, she'll drop a few bits around her bowl, or some will spill over the edge, but she gets to them right after they fall. She never leaves a mess. Never. I love this girl.

I'll sometimes take her with me to pick Shanya up from school. She still doesn't totally dig her car seat. But again, she got used to it after a little bit.

But yes, this is Madam Minnie at 5m3wk. She's a precious little darling, and I'm so happy that she's in our lives<3

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