Loving From Afar. Again.

12:33 PM

I head back to beautiful San Marvelous this Friday. On Saturday, Anthony's dad came up to Katy to take him back home. And so, the being-a-long-distance-couple recommences.

I completely cherished having Anthony with me for those 3 weeks. There's nothing I'd want to change about his stay.

The night before he left, it just suddenly hit me. And I said, "Baby, I don't want you to leave."
"But I have to."
"Do you realize the next time we see each other will be on a computer screen? The next time we hear each other's voices will be over the phone."

And I got so terribly sad just then. And I hugged him. And we fell asleep.

I think the hardest part of being in a long distance relationships is the bare loneliness. Maybe that's just because my worst fear is to be alone, but still. There are nights when all I can think about is how much I want to see him and hold him and shower him with kisses.

Those times are the hardest on me. When all I can text him or say to him is "I NEED you."

That's why I was sad. I don't want to go back to that. We spoiled our extreme patience with nearly a full month with each other. And now we have to wait a month to see each other again. Until Valentine's Day weekend. My second lonely Valentine's Day in a row ._. At least I'm not single this time!

But then I think about how far we've been able to go so far. We were only together for a month before we started dating from a distance. I highly doubt that a lot of couples can do that. But we were able to because of what a terrific couple we are. I'm a damn good girlfriend and I know it. And he's also an amazing boyfriend. That's why and how we've pulled through.

We just need to remember our priorities. I need to constantly remind myself. "Just keep going. It's going to be worth it."

1. Finish school.
2. Get our own place (in Dallas, ahem).
3. Whatever else.

This is the only reason I resent my home state for being the second-largest state in the country. But hey, the distance could be worse. But the love won't ever be.

I'm madly in love with my future engineer husband

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