Basic boutique bow

8:00 PM

Published on 2/23/2013

About a year ago, my good friend Pamela taught me how to make beautiful boutique bows like this one.

However, I seriously doubt that I will be able to clearly explain how to make them solely through pictures. So first, here's a video!

And yet, I think I'll give my picture version a shot, no matter how complicated I think it may be to do so.

  • 3" ribbon in the color/print of your choice
  • 3/8" ribbon in the color/print of your choice (optional)
  • scissors
  • lighter or matches
  • needle
  • thread
  • hot glue gun
  • glue sticks for said hot glue gun
  • alligator hair clips

Cut a long piece of ribbon. I measured it to be 24", but you can make it shorter or longer. It's obviously going to affect the size of the bow. I was going for a large bow.

But anyway! Take one end of the ribbon and line it up with the other end. Rotate one of the ends so that the design touches the side without the design. Erm, like this.

Snip the edge to make the ends diagonal.

You may want to run a flame along the edges that you cut so that the fabric doesn't fray. I didn't do this until I completely finished the bow because I didn't have a lighter handy ;-;
When you straighten the ribbon out, it should look like a parallelogram and NOT a trapezoid.

Now time to make the bow! Take one end of the ribbon and loop it as shown in the picture. Note that the end of the ribbon points downwards and does not follow the edge.

Take the opposite side of the ribbon and loop it over the loop you just made. You will have more ribbon on one side than the other. Make sure you keep a good grip on this because it's kind of tricky to keep the shape!

From now on, I'm using the pictures as guides .-. Take the longer side of the ribbon, loop it, and tuck it under the loop you just made.

Here's a better picture (I think).

Take the rest of the ribbon and loop it over the second loop you made. You should have something that looks like this.

Now, the tricky part. I failed to take pictures of this because there was just no way I could do that on my own.
Thread the needle. Starting at the top of the middle of the bow, make an accordion fold. Take the needle and poke it through the accordion. Wind the thread around the middle of the bow twice, and then run your needle through the thread in the middle twice to secure it. Then snip the excess thread.

Now take a small piece of the same ribbon or a piece of 3/8" ribbon.

Using hot glue, apply the piece of ribbon around the middle of the bow.

I added a cute little button!

Now to attach the bow to the hair clip! ( I failed to take pictures of this too .___.) First, take either a piece of 3/8" ribbon or 3" ribbon and cut it to be the same width as the clip. With either ribbon you choose, run the length of the ribbon by the length of the clip starting at the mouth, and ending at the bottom of the part that you pinch. Hot glue the piece of ribbon to the clip, taking care not to glue the clip shut.
Next, glue the bow onto the center of the ribbon on top of the hair clip. Make sure the glue completely dries, and you're done!
I made this bow as a gift to my Tau Beta Sigma Big Sister for Big/Big this past Sunday. I'm pretty sure she loved it :)
And I know I said that I'd post every Wednesday, but I just have so many things going on with my Kappa Kappa Psi candidacy and school, that I just don't have time to craft and write up a post. BUT, I will continue to try to meet my Wednesday deadline :P
So lemme know what y'all think of this tutorial. Was it difficult to understand? (I bet.) What are your favorite ways to make different hair accessories?

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