The rest of boyfriend's Valentine's Day gift!

6:00 PM

Published on 2/15/2013

I know, I know I said I'd post once every Wednesday. I have failed ;_; So this week, I'll do TWO posts! :D I'm such a rebel.
In this first post, imma show y'all what Anthony's other two gifts were ^-^ So he loves Jurassic Park. I got him this.

Unh. Am I not the best girlfriend ever? Actually, I don't need to hear the answer because I know I am! Second, I gave him 30 love coupons. I printed them out using this template. I just printed one of the four available templates onto cardstock, wrote different things on 30 coupons, and stapled them together. The possibilities are endless with love coupons. In my opinion, they're one of the best things you can give your significant other. You're able to write whatever you want. Innocent, naughty, helpful, menacing, anything, really. One of the ones I wrote says "24 hours of no arguments, whatsoever". So, you know he's gonna love that one. You should also give your lover free blank coupons, ones that they can fill out themselves! I wrapped the DVD with white gift wrap and wrote all over it with Sharpies! Top it off with a nice bow and write a cute little message.

And I wrapped the coupons in red paper and taped it onto the DVD package.

I'd like to dedicate this post to all the long-distance relationship couples out there. 200 miles isn't too bad a distance for Anthony and I but it still sucks pretty badly. To those in LDRs that are farther apart, stay strong because you know you are always loved, no matter what the distance is. And y'all are probably like "But Aissa, Valentine's Day is over, silly girl." Uhhhh, you can do this for a birthday, for an anniversary, just because, or next Valentine's Day! Gasp! I hope y'all had an amazing Valentine's Day! I don't get to see my boyfriend til tonight, so hopefully we have a good post-Valentine's together ^-^ What did y'all do for Valentine's Day?? And what did you get your sweethearts??

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