DIY Custom Mugs

2:00 PM

Published on 3/26/2013

I tackled this pin to make yet another birthday gift for my bestie!

(Source: A Beautiful Mess)
  • plain ceramic mug/plate
  • assorted Sharpie markers
  • oven
All you really need to do is follow the instructions on the picture! Draw whatever you want on the mug/plate, stick it in the oven, and bake it for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Simple enough, right? Here was my result :)

The only issue that I had with this project was the color change. I wrote the words in black, but I drew the hearts in red. But that's all, really. I'll definitely be using this again in the future :)

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  1. Promotional mugs can also be utilized in Do it Yourself engraved logo products and can have a lot of good options to promote and sell to earn.


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