Did you want a picture?

5:08 PM

stranger danger
Source: Unsplash
I was supposed to come to the library to watch over Katisha. The kids were watching a movie so I asked my dad if I could go upstairs to be on my laptop. He thought it was fine, so I took off. As soon as I took a seat at a table, I regretted even going upstairs.

I've never had a problem with creeps. I've been stared at by people up/out of state. I've been checked out by guys (and girls). All that stuff's fine because I don't have a problem with it. But literally like half an hour ago, I walked into a very uncomfortable situation.

Right when I sat at the farthest table, the creepiest old man glued his bulging peepers on me. I thought he'd only glanced at first, but I had to make several double-takes to realize that he was staring. So I tried staring back to make him stop, only he didn't stop. I didn't have anything to hide behind, so I slouched as far as possible into my chair and used my laptop to cover my face. A few moments after I did this, the creep gets up and walks over to the bookshelves on my left side to "look for books". Really, he slowly appears from the side of the bookshelf, insanely close to me, and continues to stare.

At this point, I texted my dad, "Daddy, there's a man up here and he won't stop staring at me." Whenever he poked his head from out of the aisle, I stopped typing on my computer and tapped my finger and sighed loudly. Finally, my dad came from downstairs and sat beside me. THEN the bastard quit his games. He retreated farther back into the bookshelves while my dad turned it around and stared him down.

I really should start taking self-defense classes. He made me so angry! I REALLY wanted to ask him to take a picture off me so he can enjoy it longer. When he was on the sides behind the shelves, I wanted to dare him to take another step closer.

Does anyone have any advice to share with me on this subject? I'd really appreciate some input, because I did not like being put in this situation at all. It made me realize that these things just happen. It could have been worse, but I'd like to be able to think through stuff like that, you know?

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  1. You don't exactly need self defence classes maybe just carry some form of protection (pepper spray,a knife etc..) with most people just seeing that you have something to use if it comes to it usually makes them think twice if not stop and if you have to bring it to the persons attention that what they're doing bothers you who knows they could be nice about it and appologize to...don't know if this helps at all but just some input from my experience



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