March for Babies Update - 57 Days Left

11:28 PM

I think I announced to my 3rd period AP English class on Tuesday that I am participating in the March of Dimes this year and that I needed help to reach my $100 goal.

Today, Miss Conway and my entire class completely surprised me.

On the board, I read "The class that raises the most money for Aissa gets a cupcake party and a Shakespeare movie." Miss Conway has seven classes. We 17-18-years-olds will do basically anything for food, and since it's cupcakes that are involved, I feel like they will do whatever it takes to win that cupcake party.

I feel so lucky to have such spontaneous and caring classmates! I expected maybe a little help, like a few cents/dollars donated here and there until I barely surpass my goal, but this? It's highly overwhelming and I don't think I will ever be able to thank them for their support.

Most of all, I am thankful that the money will be going to the March of Dimes to help premature and sick babies live better lives. Knowing that this is what will happen because we will do anything for cupcakes and bragging rights means a lot to me. I'm making them sound like they just want food, but that's not it either. I'm sure they know that they're donating to a good cause, and I can't wait to see the outcome of their generosity<3

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