Dollar Tree Organizer

3:00 PM

This pin was flying all over Pinterest at one point.

(Source: This Casita)

My parents and sisters are living in a two-bedroom apartment until they can find a house. So you can only imagine how crammed we are with such limited space. All three of us are sharing one room. Now try imagining the state of my sisters; dresser. Yeah, it's that bad. So you see, I had to tackle this project as a sort of gift to alleviate the congestion on the dresser top.

  • plates/trays
  • candle holders
  • E6000 glue
  • spray paint (optional)
The total cost for all of these supplies? Around $8. I bought a pack of five plain plates, a simple plastic tray, and three candle holders from Dollar Tree, $0.96 spray paint from Walmart, and the E6000 was the most expensive at a little less than $4 also from Walmart.

The first thing we did was spray paint the tray and plates. This took WAY longer than it should have just because I kept putting it off. Silly lazy me.

We didn't paint the candle holders because they were glass and pretty just the way they were. So I got right into using the cancer glue to attach the candle holder to the tray. I used three plates and two candle holders for my sister's organizer, and I realized that I painted an extra plate and bought one more candle holder than I needed, so I glued the spares together and donated it to my mother's bathroom :P

But here is the original finished product!

She immediately got to clearing all the crap off of her dresser and put all sorts of junk in the organizer. I think it's pretty cute!

Do y'all have any cheap organization tips? :)

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