Study tips from someone who didn't learn how to study until senior year (FREE PRINTABLE!!!)

10:08 PM

Let me further clarify the title.

After my freshman year of college, I wrote a post highlighting key takeaways from my very first year. Soon after (the next year, to be exact), I became overwhelmed and let my grades slip. And truth be told, it was just a matter of not knowing how to effectively prioritize. It wasn't until the first summer session of this year that I finally found a way to keep up with my note-taking skills. This past semester, I found a way to keep up with my assignments for multiple classes, because that was one of my hugest problems. It only took four years, but hey! Better late than never, amirite? After all, I went from feeling so low that I wanted to drop out of school almost two years ago, to making the Dean's List AND being granted full-major status this semester. So I'm going to share my new school organization method!

Firstly, I started taking good (okay, decent) notes! In the summer and fall semesters, I brought my trusty laptop along and took notes using Microsoft OneNote. Yes, yes, I've heard about those studies that show that taking notes by hand is better for your long-term memory and stuff, but I guess I'm just one of those people that is an exception. It's from my personal experience that if I try to take notes by hand, I get distracted more easily than if I take them on my computer. Whatever side of the debate you stand on, you can download OneNote if that is what you wish.

There are several "how to use OneNote" tutorials online, but it's honestly not all that difficult to use since it retains the polished design of the other Microsoft Office applications. Once you open your "notebook", you may add sections, kind of like dividers in a physical binder. Within the sections, you may add pages, which serve as loose-leaf paper on which you write your notes!

For example:

The way I organized my summer notebook was Summer 2015 (notebook) > HIST; ENG (two separate sections) > Chapters/Lectures (depending on the class). For History, I added pages according to chapter and I also had pages for essay/exam reviews. As you can see above, I made separate pages for each lecture in English. I'm so proud of these notes, y'all.

Onto the next method: an actual physical binder.

I got this binder from Target because no matter how many times I say it to myself, I can NEVER just settle on a plain binder over a cute binder even if it means saving five whole dollars. I'm just so awful sometimes.

As with a traditional binder, I have a divider for each class. Before each divider, I have a sheet protector with this pretty paper. Not sure what purpose it serves, really. Shhhhh, aesthetics are more important than you think. Plus, I think it just helps organize it better. I personally need to have pocket dividers, but you do you. If you'd like to download one of these pretty dividers for yourself, take your pick from this website!

After each divider, I have this "important dates" sheet. This. Was. My. Savior. My A in a class became a C once all because I missed ONE assignment. This sheet of paper guaranteed that I didn't do that again. And since I had a paper for each class, I knew exactly when every single thing was due at all times. Mostly.

After that, I had a copy of the class's syllabus, that way I had it on me if I ever needed to reference it. The only other way I'll access syllabi is through the Texas State app, and even then it takes a little navigating to get to it. Having a copy on hand is especially helpful when you're trying to plug in assignment due dates and exam dates into the little "important dates" list as well. Speaking of the "important dates" sheet, I've uploaded it here for anyone that wants to download it!

That, my friends, was the key to staying on top of my grades this semester. I have to admit, I'm getting pretty excited thinking about re-doing my binder for the Spring semester. Is that weird? Either way, I hope someone out there finds use out of this!

You're welcome.


Crying because school starts on Tuesday.

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