Never Say Never Festival: A Guide for Those Who Haven't the Faintest Idea of What to Expect

8:54 PM

Students rejoice! For spring break is so close, I can almost feel the weather getting warmer. Texas weather has been all sorts of weird as of late. Up here in San Marcos, we went from it being in the mid-20s, to stupid humid in the 70s, to rainy and chilly, and I think I'd be speaking for all of us when I say that I'm ready for the beautiful sun to grace us with its presence once again.

And let's not forget that with spring break comes the Never Say Never Festival! Yes, it's time once again to break out the band t-shirts and cutoff shorts and get them covered in dirt from the track at good ol' Las Palmas Race Park because you were too busy moshing to care about anything else. Not that there's anything wrong with that ;)

I myself have attended six out of the now seven years that NSN has existed, and I am super excited that the festival has grown so much and gained many new fans since 2009. It also always surprises me that there seem to be younger kids attending every year! Hence the reason I am typing up this post.

When I was a young warthog, my parents were pretty strict. Not intensely strict, but they still had their rules. I didn't get to attend my first concert until I was 13, which is pretty young still, but I did have adult supervision a la my awesome rocker mom. When I went to my very first NSN, which was its debut as well, my mother was incredibly nervous. Not since dropping my generally fair-skinned butt off at my first day of summer marching band had she been so hesitant to leave me in a place where I would be at the mercy of the unforgiving Texas sun. Confident that I could handle whatever the heat could throw at me, I managed to convince both my parents that I would be okay and would drink plenty of water.

I think I've rambled enough. I've compiled some advice below so as to help newcomers to the festival get an idea of what they can expect to see and experience at Never Say Never, as well as on what they should do once there!

1. There are going to be A LOT of people.

(Source: NSN Festival Facebook page)
Duh. There are almost 2,000 people marked as attending the event on Facebook. 2,000!!! And that's not even counting those who don't have a Facebook/haven't RSVP'd to the event page. If it doesn't seem like much, you're in for a surprise when you drive up to the grounds. You'll likely feel a little uncomfortable trying to maneuver through hoards of people, and you might get angry when people start to push and mosh, but it more than likely won't stop, so you can either get used to it, join in, or relocate to an area where you feel more comfortable.

2. If this is your first concert or festival, your tummy's going to feel like it's in a knot.

(Source: x)
And that's okay. To this day, I still get goosebumps when I pull into the road leading to the parking lot. Once I see the stage and the merch tent, I get PUMPED!

3. For those of you that are determined to be front row, get there EARLY.

Me & the bestie hogging the main stage rail at our first NSN.
And I mean early. Listen to me; I am a VETERAN. When I was a teen, I was a rail fiend. I had semi-permanent bruises on the underside of my arms from constantly being first in line at various shows just so I could take that sweet spot up front. My first year at NSN, my friends and I were determined to be up close & personal, so we started the line at 8am. Yep. We were insane.

4. If you're determined to stay front row all day, DRINK WATER.

You don't like water? Suck it up and down a gallon. For real. If six years of marching band have taught me anything, it's that water is delicious and amazing and you absolutely need it if you want to continue to feel awesome throughout that hot hot day. DRINK WATER. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH.

5. For those that will be roaming about the grounds as they please, DRINK WATER.

You are not invincible. If you think you feel fine, think again. Seriously. No band is worth your health. DRINK UP.

6. Sunscreen is your friend.

Throughout my first year of marching band, I was pretty sure I was impervious to the sun's rays and went without applying sunscreen that entire year. Needless to say, I looked like burnt toast after that season. Today, I'm rocking my six-year band tan like a goddess, but my arms are covered in sun spots. All because I didn't think applying sunscreen made a difference. Now that you know it does, if it didn't occur to you already, DO IT. Keep a bottle in your car, or bring it in if you can, and keep re-applying as needed throughout the day. Also, sun burns are never fun.

7. Eat something, for crying out loud.

Just as it's super important to stay hydrated, it's equally important to keep your stomach full so you don't wear yourself out more easily throughout the day. I totally understand that you might not want to pay $3 for a bottle of water or $6 for a measly slice of pizza. I'm a college student. I'm poor. I understand. I do try to purchase from the concession stands (if I feel like waiting, of course :p) to support their business, but I have left the grounds in the past to grab a quick, cheap bite to eat elsewhere. If you have a car (or somebody with one), are hungry, but have very little money, do this! Or you can even have someone, like your parents, bring you food so you can eat it in the parking lot. Regardless, if you want to continue to jump and sing along to your favorite bands, you have to be energized!

8. Parents, if you're worried about whether your child will be safe, fear not!

(Source: x)

I think I should emphasize the points I am about to make. They may convince parents that it's okay to let their kids go to their first music festival. After all, it's an experience they'll never forget, and they may well want to come back for more!
First of all, parents might be concerned that their child will have no way of escaping the sun. The festival grounds are at a race park, meaning there are bleachers with shade for your child to sit at! (Pictured above.) There is no special ticket you need to access them, they are available to everyone that needs to take a breather and relax for a few.
That takes care of shade, but what about food/water? As I have mentioned previously, there are concession stands available so your child can purchase food and beverages. These can get pretty expensive however, so make sure to provide your child with plenty of cash, in addition to the money you gave them to buy merch ;)

9. Make a schedule.

(Source: x)
I'm not sure if there will be a physical schedule this year, but last year the folks at NSN posted the set times on each of their social media platforms. Once you get a hold of those, plan your day! Make time to nourish yourself in between sets. If you plan on hogging the rail all day, go ahead! But make sure you stay hydrated and fed somehow.

10. Do take pictures/video!

(Source: x)
With each concert I attend, there seems to be an ongoing trend. The singer of band X will tell everyone to put their electronic devices away and just listen.
Here's my take on this: Lots of people wish to capture every single possible moment on video or in pictures. That's cool. Others prefer to immerse themselves into the experience without spending too much time watching it through a camera. Equally as cool. The beautiful thing about life is that everyone is different. Personally, I used to document every moment I could so I could relive them later, and I'm glad I did. Nowadays, I try not to worry about it too much so that I can enjoy what's going on in front of me. That being said, you do you. Don't let anyone tell you that you're ruining your experience just because you want to capture it on camera. And if you'd rather not take pictures, enjoy yourself! Have fun!

11. Take time to discover new music.

(Source: x)
This is probably my favorite piece of advice. Yet another story of mine: I attended my first NSN to see FTSK because I loved them to absolute pieces. It would be my first time ever seeing them. Because of this, I decided to be a rail-hogger and show up early to be front row at the main stage all day. They were second-to-the-last to perform, so I was in for a long day. Throughout the day, I was exposed to bands/artists that I'd never heard of, and as a result, some of them are my favorites today! Artist Vs Poet performed that day, and I have had the pleasure of watching them transform into the amazing men that they are today! As for FTSK, I didn't end up seeing them front row, but the important part was that I got to see them. And that first concert became the first of sixteen. Yep. Sixteen FTSK shows later, I am still as in love with them as I was the first time.
BUT my point is that you should try to catch sets of local bands, or bands that you may not have heard of. Farewell Fighter is another one of my favorites, and I discovered them at NSN after their guitarist kept trying to sell me their EP both days, even though he'd sold it to me the instant I heard it the first day x)
Which is another point: socialize! Meet bands! Plenty will be hanging out at their merch tables if they're feeling up to it. If they mean a lot to you, let them know how you feel. Thank them for taking time to come play in the valley. I know from personal experience that some do not get thanked a lot for what they do. And sometimes, that's all they really want to hear. Make their day as great as yours will be.

That's all I have for now. Hopefully it isn't too much to digest. Although if you still have more questions, make sure to follow NSN Fest on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so you can be fully prepared for the big days!

One final, but very important, note I would like to make:

Be thankful. Do not forget that there is a reason behind NSN's name. Geo, Zar, and the rest of the team at Dontgetemo do NOT get enough credit for the work that they do JUST so people like us have the opportunity to watch some of our favorite bands in concert. If you see any of the big guys at the show, say hi and throw a huge thank you at them while you're at it! I'm sure they will appreciate it :)

If you have not gotten your ticket to NSN yet, what the hell are you waiting for???? Go to the new & improved NSN Fest website and order your ticket! There are only NINE days until the festival!

Have fun!~

"Music is an outburst of the soul."
                          - Frederick Delius

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