I Just Thought I'd Show This Off....

3:45 PM

..because I love it so much!

Don't really care who reads this, so discretion is advised :P

Yes, my friends, I am wearing this on that finger because it is, indeed, a promise ring. Don't freak out, that's exactly what it is and will remain for quite a while. Sheesh, we just started college and live 200 miles apart.

In his words: "Let's make it a promise ring. A promise to get married." This was after my mom asked what kind of ring it was. He didn't want it to be just a ring. Eeeven though it wouldn't have been "just a ring" in my eyes either way :l

But yeah! Just wanted to show it off x) Here it is on Pinterest! Go like it and repin it and junk!

Obviously, that's his name. He has one with my name on it :) Aaaand the date is 07/12/2012. It doubles as our anniversary aaaand (10 points to Ravenclaw to whoever gets this) my birthday!! So if he ever forgets it, he's in deep double-poop :)

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