When I Was A Young Warthog

1:32 AM

Let's see now. If I could describe my 13/14-year-old self in three words, they'd be: rebellious, annoying, and (I was not aware of this at the time, but) emo(?). That's not what my group and I labeled ourselves as since we thought emo kids were wannabes. We didn't really call us anything. We were just the girls.

But this is what I looked like when I was 13 in the 8th grade!

Ignore the caption. My mother put it on there. It reads, "What happened to my bebe?!?" Oh, mother. I'm not sure either. Anyway! I remember posting that on the good ol' MySpace. My boyfriend at the time proceeded to save the picture and post it in a MySpace album of his that was completely composed of MY pictures. After that, he got ALL these guys commenting on the picture saying "WTF who da hell is that?!?" "OMG she's so fckn hot", "Whos dat??????" And he'd be all like, "Ohhh, that's just mah gf ;)"

I love wearing dresses now, but I LOATHED it at this time. My mother forced me to wear it because I got band homecoming sweetheart/princess or whatever.

Amber! This was at NSN09. Love the concert attire. My gray skinny jeans. Baha.

We thought we were hilarious.

Stole this picture using my pen drive after we took a picture at Circuit City (RIP) at the mall. We also thought we were cool and rebellious in doing that.

A few of my favorites at the time:

My Chemical Romance
Avenged Sevenfold
Bullet For My Valentine
black clothes
skinny jeans
black nail polish
you get the point

So now that y'all have an idea of what I looked like as a teeny-bopper, I'm going to try to recreate how I used to do my makeup!

Yay -.-

This is me circa 2012! Yay! Ignore the fact that I don't have makeup on x)

This was my sole weapon of choice. No concealer, no foundation, no eyeshadow, just this. Except I used the Hot Topic brand. Because I was cool like that.

Step 1) Apply eyeliner on both upper lashlines as thick as possible. Like really.

Step 2) Repeat Step 1 on both lower lashlines! My face looks like that because I was very much in pain. I hadn't applied eyeliner down there in forever.

Awww yeah.

Let's take it up to the next level by applying black smudge. Very daring.

Step 3) Line your crease. Yeah. That's all I've got.

I don't own the smudge I had back then (because I'm pretty sure they don't even sell it anymore), so I just used this gel eyeliner. Probably not a good idea because it's glittery buttt oh well.

Step 4) Apply the smudge within the line that you made at your crease.

 Yes, I frequently made these faces in pictures.

If I wanted to be even MORE daring, I wore red- yes, RED- smudge. Like.. Blood red. Bright blood red. Ridiculousness.

Step 5) Apply the red smudge all over your eyelids with your fingers. And I mean aaaalll over.

Step 6) Apply the smudge to your lower lashline. Thickly. Be very very generous with this. Like very. One time, it almost touched my cheek. So cool.

Step 7) Reapply eyeliner to upper and lower lashlines. THICKLY. That was entirely necessary.

Aaaand TAH-DAH!!!!

Wait. This is how I wore my hair. Only it was so black it was blue. And shorter. And straighter. It only looks like this because it was up in a bun, but TAH-DAHHHH!!!!!

Wasn't I bootifulll???? Hahahahahaha, not.

So yeah. That's what I looked like in 8th grade. And I grew out of this phase around sophomore year. What was wrong with me?

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