DIY Newborn "Photo Shoot" - Sophia Mae Joseph

4:03 PM

I'll probably vlog about this after finals are over (and then post that vlog here) but I think this one deserves its own special post.

I'll start off with this.

This beautiful girl is my goddaughter. This past weekend, I had the pleasure of spending time with her. I'd gotten to feed her, change her diaper, change her clothes, put her to sleep, and hold her. Soon after I first got there, momma Amber took a loooong, well-needed, well-deserved nap while I watched the baby.

I had so much planned for the next day, so I took the rest of the day to get to know baby. She is incredibly tiny and precious. I can't think of any way to describe her better than "perfect".

I'd planned on taking semi-nice pictures with my awesome camera. The following (and the first picture above!) are the final products of the (quite literal) HUNDREDS I took of Sophia. I'm quite proud of them. After all, I have close to no idea what I'm doing. But here they are anyway!

S for Sophia!

Baby's 1st Christmas
And my personal favorite :)
I had been reading up on DIY newborn photography ever since she was born. I learned how to calm her if she got fussy, to feed her before so she'd be nice and full, to pose her while she was fast asleep, to keep the room warm, everything. You can read up on that stuff with a quick Google or Pinterest search.

But honestly? It wasn't actually as difficult as I thought it was going to be. Granted, I wasn't shooting TOO high. I'm very new at operating my camera to get nice pictures, even though it's a pretty great camera that usually takes amazing pictures. But babies are my thing. She cried maybe once because we were interrupting her sleep. A quick "ssshhh" did the trick and we were back at it. Mommy and daddy helped, and daddy even took a few pictures of his own on their camera. 

The most unpleasant part during the whole deal was how hot the dang room was. It was ridiculous how much I was sweating. But I'd also read that if you're not sweating, the baby's not warm enough, soooo..

I think they came out pretty well. I edited them really quick (cropped, rotated, adjusted levels, lighting, touched up skin) all in GIMP. I ain't fancy. Don't got no Photoshop. I eyeballed the editing process as well; I made it the way it looked good to me. Amber's family is also very pleased with them. They all want to make large prints and frame them :) (let's be real, imma do that too)

This weekend has been so amazing. I may have shed a tear just from looking at tiny baby Sophia. I hate living so far away from her, but I know I'll get to see her soon.

I wouldn't mind picking this back up again, though! Anybody got a baby they want me to photograph? :)

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