Locks of Love

4:53 PM

I've always wanted to donate things. We've already sent clothes to Goodwill and the local orphanage. I want to start donating things to the RGV Family Crisis Center when I start doing college packing. I also wanted to donate hair.


I bleached my hair like four times. There's only about four inches of my real hair all around my scalp. I'm screwed in that department.

But yesterday, I got home and opened the front door. I walked in and saw a little girl that looked like my sister watching Toy Story 3 on the TV in the living room. I say "Hi, baby!" and then I looked at the little girl in the living room.

It's Katisha and she chopped 10 inches of her hair off!

The best part is that she's donating it to Locks of Love and she knows it :) We've already started to teach her that there are people on this earth less fortunate than us and that we have the ability to help. She agrees and wants to help. She's only 5 and that she really cares truly astonishes me.

I love my silly goose<3

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