March for Babies Update - 60 Days Left

10:47 AM

I am forever indebted to Miss Conway and all her English classes. As of this Monday, February 27th, 2012, we raised........

$400 in total!

I will never be able to express my full gratitude towards everyone. It is astonishing to me that they even helped me. They really didn't have to do this. But the fact of the matter is that they did, and I am truly forever thankful.

Also, that that amount of money will be going to the March of Dimes.. I can't explain how happy and warm it makes me feel inside. It's like there's actually hope for mankind :) I really hope I get many people to join me next month on the 28th in McAllen.


That IS next month! D:

Happy FTSK TOE Day!<3

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