Man's best friend

4:48 PM

has yet again seized my heart. I've only ever had one REAL puppy. guess you can see where this is going :)

Saturday, March 23rd comes around. Morning- parents took off for Mission to visit my parents while I sleep in. 4pm- I pick up Shanya from a retreat at church. 10pm- parents come home.

With a puppy.

Katisha named her Princess. It's okay, she's 5. I, however, would have given her a people name. But that's just me -.-

It's been about 8 years since I've had a dog of my own. I was expecting this one to be just another mutt that our cousin's dog just had. But no!

What Shanya pulled out of the Huggies box was utter cuteness. She's a whitish Cockapoo (cocker spaniel/poodle mix) and as far as I can tell, she despises baths. But the poor thing was COVERED with fleas about the size of a grain of rice, so it was absolutely necessary!

This puppy has won my heart. I've already somewhat taught her basic things and I intend to be her mastah! Since Katisha's only 5 anyway :)

More cute pictures to come!

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